Image for Copy of WellPod.


The Wellpod@DC is a collaboration between the Campus Health and Wellness Centre, Student Academic Learning Services and the DCSA Media Hub Riot Radio.

Let’s explore what it means to be well, from meditation, stress management, safer substance use and sexual health, we will literally talk sex, drugs and rock & roll. Join us to deep dive into some student health questions; we’ll learn about wellness together, try some coping tools and meet some interesting people. Your co-hosts Heather and Craig (the perfect blend of CHWC and SALS) each week will DIY a wellness tool together and then nerd out and dig into the science behind how the tool works. Email your health and wellness related questions to to be discussed anonymously on air.  Welcome to the Wellpod@DC!

Live Thursdays 3pm on RIOTRADIO.CA

Past Episodes

Disclaimer: The information provided on The WellPod@DC is provided for informational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice.